Our supply chain

At Communisis we recognise the importance of having a strong, capable and well-managed supply chain. It’s important to us that we establish and maintain the right kind of supplier relationships so that our clients know they can continue to rely on us to attain the high standards that meet their needs and expectations.

Communisis Sourcing holds the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) Corporate Certification Advanced Standard, at Platinum level. Communisis was first awarded Gold standard level in 2011 and following a rigorous process of re-certification process in 2019, we successfully achieved Platinum level accreditation. As at March 2019 we are the first services organisation to reach this standard and the 11th globally.

In 2016 we were shortlisted for a CIPS Supply Management Award.

Our team is located in 10 major cities throughout the UK and Europe and is comprised of a mix of strong subject matter expertise and procurement experience drawn from a number of FTSE 100 (or equivalent) organisations. This diversity gives us strength and enables us to manage our supply chain, which is spread across 26 countries, in a manner consistent with the high standards and expectations of our clients, for whom we operate as a trusted and effective extension to their capability.

Our subject matter expertise extends deeply in to the following areas:

  • Print – Sheet Fed / Web-Offset / Gravure / Digital
  • Point-of-Sale – Perm/Semi POS / 3D Temp POS / Retail POS
  • Premiums & Merchandising
  • Substrate – Paper / Corrugated & POS Display Materials
  • Innovation
  • Technology

To become fully approved, our suppliers go through our CIPS Platinum-accredited 5-step process. This means that only those suppliers that are capable of meeting our exacting standards and those of our clients join our roster. Our CIPS Platinum accredited 5 step process:

Communisis supply chain diagram

This approach delivers assurance throughout the supply chain lifecycle from approvals through risk and value management to sustainability and performance. Communisis is committed to conducting business responsibly. We also seek to ensure that our supply chains operate to those same high standards, including in relation to employment practices, workplace conditions and, more specifically, the prevention of forced, bonded and trafficked labour. This is upheld through the company’s policies and processes, and is supported by the Communisis Executive Board. Our latest statement pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act (2015) can be found here.

Approved suppliers can log in here.

Companies wishing to become Communisis approved can apply here. Please title your email "New Supplier Request".

To contact us please click here.