Health, safety and wellbeing policy


Communisis Limited (“The Company”) strives to continuously improve our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance, integrating wellbeing practices as core values and believe that this significantly contributes to the commercial success of our business. The Company shall ensure that this Policy continues to be appropriate to the purpose and context of the organisation.

Our goal is Zero Harm to people and to provide an incident free workplace. We will conduct our business in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees, contractors and visitors at all our operations. This policy seeks to add value to the Company by safeguarding reputation, minimising loss and increasing productivity and performance.

We shall report and investigate all incidents, share lessons learned and manage any risk identified to prevent reoccurrence. We shall provide occupational health support, promote wellbeing and carry out health surveillance for employees in safety critical roles.


The Company sets objectives, continually monitors performance, ensures standards meet expectations and this policy continues to add value to the company and stakeholders. These objectives are reviewed on a regular basis and set by top management annually:

  • Demonstrate proactive leadership and management for the prevention of incidents and ill-health.
  • Demonstrate continuous improvements of our safety management systems to reduce risk and maintain legal compliance through a hierarchy of control.
  • Engage and consult with personnel – ensure their competency, awareness and ability to work safely through the provision of supervision information instruction and training.
  • Manage performance by monitoring and taking corrective action and ensure efficiency of communication for a positive Health and Safety culture.


The company is committed to conduct its business operations in accordance with all applicable country laws in which it operates and any other Health and Safety requirement that it may subscribe to. Where applicable the company will operate and maintain our occupational health and safety management systems in line with the requirements of ISO 45001.

The company adopts robust and systematic work practices for governance, legal compliance and risk reduction. We promote proactive leadership, a positive health and safety culture.

Responsibility and accountability

The President, OSG Europe is accountable for endorsing this Policy, annual review and ensuring that our subsidiaries are aware of and committed to the policy expectations. Sufficient funds and resources shall be provided to enable effective Health, Safety and Wellbeing management in all business operations.

Senior Management are responsible for ensuring the policy implementation is effective, setting expectation, achieving standards and are jointly accountable for HSE performance. They shall ensure there are effective systems of communication, and any matters impacting upon personal safety or the work environment are reported, assessed and managed.

Managers and supervisors are responsible for the provision of adequate resources, appointment of competent persons to enable continual improvement of Health and Safety performance and to ensure legal compliance. They have a responsibility for the health and safety of the people that work with us and shall ensure all employees and contractors have adequate skills through information, instruction and training to enable them to carry out their work safely.

All employees are required to fully co-operate in the implementation of this policy and its associated procedures. Each individual has a duty to ensure that they take all reasonable care to protect themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Each individual can take personal accountability by “never walking past an unsafe act or condition”, and taking immediate action if possible to make it safe.

All employees and contractors that work on behalf of the company will be made aware of the policy and shall cooperate with its expectation and commitments. In the spirit of continual improvement, this policy shall be reviewed at least annually and revised when appropriate change occurs and will be made available where required to all stakeholders and interested parties.